The Power of Laughter

In a tense moment with my love-interest last night (who I may soon have to call ex-his choice not mine), my emotionally tense mind was in a very dark and morbid place. I was battling with feelings of disbelief, confusion and...well a host of other things relating to a family seperation.

But the next text message, simple in its point, made me laugh......

At once the atmosphere shifted. I felt like a strong wind had blown away the storm clouds......the tension cleared, as I was left with a smile.
Sometimes, I cannot help but admire his gentlenes and straightforwardness in the face of a tense moment.

The laugh cleared the emotional clutter, and I realized that he was right.

I have read of Cancer patients who laughed their way to health, laughing exersices as tension killers, laugh therapy.....

Its good to know.........
