Famous Dark Works October 31, 2014 Andy Paciorek creepy paintings dark images Goya grotesque paintings halloween horrific paintings John William Waterhouse macabre paintings pre-raphaelite Rubens Saturn scary art scary paintings +
Creative=Crazy? October 29, 2014 art life artists artsy mind creative genius creative mentality creative minds creative process creative thinking drawing insanity madness painting thinking art +
Mind block August 20, 2014 artist blocks. creative mind environment Killing creativity loner the artistic mind +
New Direction - 100 Lotus Flowers Update March 09, 2014 100 Lotus Flowers artistic growth illustrations indian lotus lotus flower drawing transcending +
Skyclad September 16, 2013 blue paintings erotic art figures Goddess green paintings jewelry nudes skyclad swirls women +
Ecstasy One August 25, 2013 erotic art erotic art week figures nudes Peter Pauvel Rubens rape of europa samantha rochard swirls +
An Honour May 23, 2013 floating green green nude nudes painting Queen's Park Oval Sailing samantha rochard swimming water +
Maracas Bay 6 February 17, 2013 coconut tree maracas bay Maracas Beach trinidad and tobago art west indian art +