Balandra Morning January 26, 2015 acrylic paintings art in Trinidad and Tobago balandra beach beach art beach paintings peace samantha rochard sea paintings +
Crossroads...sort of January 11, 2015 caribbean artist coconut trees crossroads elephants getting older illustrations island paintings life changes maracas bay meniere's disease resting samantha rochard sick trinidad artist work in pairs +
Famous Dark Works October 31, 2014 Andy Paciorek creepy paintings dark images Goya grotesque paintings halloween horrific paintings John William Waterhouse macabre paintings pre-raphaelite Rubens Saturn scary art scary paintings +
Creative=Crazy? October 29, 2014 art life artists artsy mind creative genius creative mentality creative minds creative process creative thinking drawing insanity madness painting thinking art +
Mind block August 20, 2014 artist blocks. creative mind environment Killing creativity loner the artistic mind +
New Direction - 100 Lotus Flowers Update March 09, 2014 100 Lotus Flowers artistic growth illustrations indian lotus lotus flower drawing transcending +
Skyclad September 16, 2013 blue paintings erotic art figures Goddess green paintings jewelry nudes skyclad swirls women +
Ecstasy One August 25, 2013 erotic art erotic art week figures nudes Peter Pauvel Rubens rape of europa samantha rochard swirls +
An Honour May 23, 2013 floating green green nude nudes painting Queen's Park Oval Sailing samantha rochard swimming water +
Maracas Bay 6 February 17, 2013 coconut tree maracas bay Maracas Beach trinidad and tobago art west indian art +